Fancy for symptoms...
Well isn't it your lucky day! You get to learn about the side affects to an unhealthy diet, mine in particular. I wanted to post this because it will be good to look back and see what symptoms have improved, which I am sure a lot will. It will also be good motivation to keep going when I feel like my image hasn't changed.
My symptoms (you know, besides the apparent waistline):
*Daily Headaches
*Occasional Heartburn and acid re-flux
*Poor concentration
*Bad sleep/never energized when I wake
*No reason or will to live!! JK...making sure you were not skipping. Johanita.
*Rash on ankles and feet that is "unidentifiable" according to a dermatologist
*Muscle aches and pains
*Those annoying pimple things on your upper arms
*Fatigue... oh the fatigue!
*I remember when I used to be a glass half full type of girl...
*My mood can change from happy to sad faster than a fat kid on a diet can snarf a cake
*Psoriasis/Seborrheic Dermatitis (chronic dry scalp) which according to the same dermatologist is "not a result of anything I am doing wrong or my diet. It is just something that happens and it will never go away, you just have to manage it with Tar Shampoo"... yes, TAR.
Maybe the good Dr. is correct on the last one, but I can't help but wonder why I never had these symptoms for about 24 years until my diet went to crap. If it doesn't go away with a healthy diet then I guess I will have to apologize to said Dr.
Ooo this is a good idea to jot down to keep for your record! I like it!