I made it through my first day! I guess I have to know when to admit defeat because my ankle has had it for the day! I have not walked on it this much since I sprained it, but now it is elevated and iced and I get to finally post! I don't know if this is therapeutic for me or I just missed you guys so much, but I could not stop thinking about this blog all day. Even though I am beat I am still going to try to do an arm workout after dinner, we'll see. Yes... dinner... I know it is a bit early, but I am starving after going a full day eating "healthy". Actually I think I ate more than I usually do, but I guess since it is a different quality to what I am used to it is an adjustment for my body. I don't know if you have been checking in on my Instagram account, but I mentioned I can already feel the toxins leaving my body, i.e. headache, fuzzy thoughts and hard to concentrate (probably why this post sucks). My poor husband will definitely know I am detoxing too considering last time I started eating healthy I think I threw something at him when he asked "what's for dinner?"... sorry babe. I am pretty sure after 3-5 days I will have made it through worst part of it.Today I was GOING to start my wayofgray program, but after further inspection I discovered that you kinda have to do it all at once and seeing as how there is no way I can do the workouts right now I feel like I would be cheating myself and Sophie Gray if I did not do the program how it was designed. That being said I am going to do my best at eating "clean" and doing what physical activity I can until I am properly healed.
Which brings me to my next point, you are probably wondering why I said "clean" when eating clean should seem like a pretty straight forward notion. Well it's NOT! So expand your mind because I wanted to clarify a few things before I start getting hate mail (and by the way, just don't, cuz nobody likes a know it all). My idea of eating clean right now is cooking my own food, adding more fruit and veggies, drinking a sufficient amount of water, and doing my best to avoid processed foods and sugars. I will probably, scratch that, definitely eat some meat, bread and cheese and other slightly processed foods, but I will try to keep it at a minimum. It is just not realistic for me at this point to cut all of that out and that is OK, because I don't want to set myself up for failure at the start line. Cuz there are too many rules when it come to being healthy and thin and I just need to let go of all of them so I don't stress out. That is not fun. This should be a fresh start and a new improved version of my already awesome self!
It may not be the real definition of eating clean, but it's my version for now. Because it is 100% (well maybe 99.9%) better than eating fast food 2 meals a day like I have been and when my new adjustment doesn't completely overwhelm me anymore I can adjust it again. And isn't that the beauty of this whole process? That it never ends and you are never finished improving yourself and that there is no limit to what you can do or how much better you can make yourself.
Anyway, I have a few things I would like to post about and I don't know if you prefer I make a reeeeeally loooooong post (as if this one isn't long, sorry guys) or if I make it into a couple of posts. So please comment below and give me some feedback on that would ya? Thanks, you're a peach!
haha I sound smarter on paper i guess.