If you have never heard of Jamie Oliver he is an awesome proponent of healthy eating and trying to make a difference in this world. And of course the difference starts with our youth. I wish I would have had this food education when I was younger. Check out this site and sign the petition for food education! https://www.change.org/p/jamie-oliver-needs-your-help-fighting-for-food-education
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
Spaghetti Squash Boats
*Cut the spaghetti squash in half from stem to bottom (be careful it's tough!)
*Brush olive oil and sprinkle some pepper and sea salt inside each half
*Lay both halves face down on a cookie sheet (I like to lay down some foil first for less clean up)
*Cook at 400 degrees for 30-45 minutes
*While that is cooking, fry ground turkey in a sauce pan with some coconut oil and Italian herbs. Once that is browned add 2 cups of your favorite pasta sauce and turn to warm until the squash is done.
*When the squash is finished shred it with a fork, like spaghetti
*Put a layer of meat sauce inside, followed by a layer of sprinkled mozzarella, a layer of meat sauce then another layer of mozzarella on top.
*Broil for a very short period of time until the cheese bubbles.... ENJOY!
FYI I haven't had sugar since I started eating mindfully, but in the spirit of the weekend I am going to go get myself a little fresh baked treat from the bakery! And I will savor every bite! Happy Weekend Ya'll!
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
How to Bounce Back After a "Cheat Meal"
My sister is in town from Texas so I spent my day off shopping with her and my mom. If you know anything about me then you know I hate shopping so it was more like watching them try on clothes, but the company was fun. In a glass half full kind of way I got to ride in a wheelchair I got from the gracious customer service ladies at the mall, even though it was sticky... ugh.
Today I did really well with eating. It started off with a green smoothie, then a small salad for lunch and some cottage cheese and peanuts for a snack. The problem was dinner. I found myself out and about with my hubby tonight and starving from such a small lunch so we ended up going out. I did try to make the better decision on the menu with fajitas and I definitely was able to control myself and not over eat so at least I can say that. If you have a cheat meal or eat out just be sure to not to binge or over eat.
Anyway I need to remind myself that the reason I am doing this is because I want to feel happy and carefree not only in whatever I am wearing, but also in my own skin. Plus when I am 80 I want to be one of those crazy fit old people who surf and sky dive... well maybe not sky dive. Plus I guess it's always bad to contract any sort of illness or disease right? I also wanted to state my weight and post a "before" picture for the record. I am currently at 165 lbs even though I know the scale isn't the best indicator and I am more going off what I look and feel like.
(I am not a nutritionist or a registered dietitian, this blog is my personal story on my journey to health. I have learned this information from various health professionals.)

I actually love that WayofGray says she hates the word "cheat meal" because one bad meal is not going to make you fat just like one salad doesn't make you thin or healthy. I try to think of that when I end up eating something that is probably not the best or else I will just stress out about it and make it worse.
Just make sure after having a "cheat meal" to take a light walk to get your digestive system going. Sitting down does not do anything to aid in digestion. Also make sure to drink a lot of water about an hour after (not during the meal or it messes with digestion) and remember tomorrow is a new day! Don't give up or feel discouraged. Start tomorrow with a nutrient dense green smoothie and a great attitude! I also have been taking a Probiotic and some Spirulina tablets to help not only with detoxification, but they also have wonderful health benefits.

(I am not a nutritionist or a registered dietitian, this blog is my personal story on my journey to health. I have learned this information from various health professionals.)
5 Ways To Aid In Detoxification
Just a quick article from WayOfGray.com. Anything to help in this detox process right now is wonderful!
(Although I would recommend to take it easy on the Lemon Water for your teeth's sake)
Here are 5 simple ways you can detoxify every day:
1. Lemon Water
This is, and will always be, the first thing I recommend my clients to do. By starting your day with a glass of warm lemon water you help your body flush out any toxins that may be circulating. Toxins are known to increase the production of bad bacteria, and lemon is widely used as an antibacterial. Lemon also helps strengthen the liver which will only further aid the detoxification process.
2. Beetroot
Beets are rich in the nutrient betaine; betaine is known to help protect the liver which will aid in the detoxification process. Beets are also rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant which helps protect the system from free radicals.
I personally always include beets in my morning juices but for those without a juicer, they go great in salads!
Spirulina is a healthy lifestyle must! Spirulina is rich in the essential fatty acid called gamma linolenic acid (GLA.) GLA is known for its anti-inflammatory properties which may help reduce the inflammation caused by an over exposure to toxins. Spirulina also contains high amounts of protein, which helps protect the liver. Lastly, spirulina can bind with heavy metals in the body and help remove them; this aids in the detoxification process.
Spirulina comes in supplement form and powder form which blends nicely into smoothies. When purchasing spirulina, look for an organic heavily tested source.
4. Eat green things
Chlorophyll found in dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, chlorella and arugula helps alkalize the diet. By alkalizing the diet, we help reduce the inflammation caused by chemicals and return the body back to homeostasis. In addition, the fiber found in these vegetables will promote healthy elimination which will also encourage the detoxification of harmful substances.
5. Exercise
One of the body’s main way to eliminate toxins is through our sweat. Therefore, by exercising you are much more likely to kick toxins out of your body! If you’re looking for a workout program that will make you sweat in under 30 minutes, check out my 12 Week Workout Program!
Fancy for symptoms...
Well isn't it your lucky day! You get to learn about the side affects to an unhealthy diet, mine in particular. I wanted to post this because it will be good to look back and see what symptoms have improved, which I am sure a lot will. It will also be good motivation to keep going when I feel like my image hasn't changed.
My symptoms (you know, besides the apparent waistline):
*Daily Headaches
*Occasional Heartburn and acid re-flux
*Poor concentration
*Bad sleep/never energized when I wake
*No reason or will to live!! JK...making sure you were not skipping. Johanita.
*Rash on ankles and feet that is "unidentifiable" according to a dermatologist
*Muscle aches and pains
*Those annoying pimple things on your upper arms
*Fatigue... oh the fatigue!
*I remember when I used to be a glass half full type of girl...
*My mood can change from happy to sad faster than a fat kid on a diet can snarf a cake
*Psoriasis/Seborrheic Dermatitis (chronic dry scalp) which according to the same dermatologist is "not a result of anything I am doing wrong or my diet. It is just something that happens and it will never go away, you just have to manage it with Tar Shampoo"... yes, TAR.
Maybe the good Dr. is correct on the last one, but I can't help but wonder why I never had these symptoms for about 24 years until my diet went to crap. If it doesn't go away with a healthy diet then I guess I will have to apologize to said Dr.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Day 1
I made it through my first day! I guess I have to know when to admit defeat because my ankle has had it for the day! I have not walked on it this much since I sprained it, but now it is elevated and iced and I get to finally post! I don't know if this is therapeutic for me or I just missed you guys so much, but I could not stop thinking about this blog all day. Even though I am beat I am still going to try to do an arm workout after dinner, we'll see. Yes... dinner... I know it is a bit early, but I am starving after going a full day eating "healthy". Actually I think I ate more than I usually do, but I guess since it is a different quality to what I am used to it is an adjustment for my body. I don't know if you have been checking in on my Instagram account, but I mentioned I can already feel the toxins leaving my body, i.e. headache, fuzzy thoughts and hard to concentrate (probably why this post sucks). My poor husband will definitely know I am detoxing too considering last time I started eating healthy I think I threw something at him when he asked "what's for dinner?"... sorry babe. I am pretty sure after 3-5 days I will have made it through worst part of it.Today I was GOING to start my wayofgray program, but after further inspection I discovered that you kinda have to do it all at once and seeing as how there is no way I can do the workouts right now I feel like I would be cheating myself and Sophie Gray if I did not do the program how it was designed. That being said I am going to do my best at eating "clean" and doing what physical activity I can until I am properly healed.
Which brings me to my next point, you are probably wondering why I said "clean" when eating clean should seem like a pretty straight forward notion. Well it's NOT! So expand your mind because I wanted to clarify a few things before I start getting hate mail (and by the way, just don't, cuz nobody likes a know it all). My idea of eating clean right now is cooking my own food, adding more fruit and veggies, drinking a sufficient amount of water, and doing my best to avoid processed foods and sugars. I will probably, scratch that, definitely eat some meat, bread and cheese and other slightly processed foods, but I will try to keep it at a minimum. It is just not realistic for me at this point to cut all of that out and that is OK, because I don't want to set myself up for failure at the start line. Cuz there are too many rules when it come to being healthy and thin and I just need to let go of all of them so I don't stress out. That is not fun. This should be a fresh start and a new improved version of my already awesome self!
It may not be the real definition of eating clean, but it's my version for now. Because it is 100% (well maybe 99.9%) better than eating fast food 2 meals a day like I have been and when my new adjustment doesn't completely overwhelm me anymore I can adjust it again. And isn't that the beauty of this whole process? That it never ends and you are never finished improving yourself and that there is no limit to what you can do or how much better you can make yourself.
Anyway, I have a few things I would like to post about and I don't know if you prefer I make a reeeeeally loooooong post (as if this one isn't long, sorry guys) or if I make it into a couple of posts. So please comment below and give me some feedback on that would ya? Thanks, you're a peach!
Monday, March 23, 2015
The Journey Begins...
Well Shucks!
We begin my journey with a sprained ankle! Turns out just because you think you are cool doesn't mean you're a ninja nor should you attempt the "air ninja" course at the foam pit.This will not slow me down! I have made up my mind to make a change for the better and I will follow through because my happiness depends on it. Even though that may be hard to see in the beginning.
I bought a clean eating and workout program from a Nutritionist I just ADORE on instagram, Sophie Gray aka wayofgray aka my fitspiration. It is a 12 week program and is where I begin first thing tomorrow! What I love about this program, aside from it being easy, is that it is not a meal plan or a diet - which almost always fails. It is vital information for anyone looking to live a clean, fit, healthy lifestyle and let's face it, who isn't? The program includes workouts, mini challenges (to keep things exciting) and recipes. I am so excited to start and I think it will be the perfect thing to get me on my way!
Though I am limited with my ankle (suggestions for workouts with crutches and one foot anyone?) I will do the best I can at eating clean and a very interesting workout.
follow me on instagram for photo updates! Fresh.Happy.Healthy
A Fresh New Start
Hello my lack of lovely viewers!
My name is Natalie Steed. Welcome to my story. It will probably sound very familiar to you due to the fact that I am a very average 26 year old female. I have a stable mundane desk job, a wonderful husband, a lazy suburban life, and I know the ins and outs of Yo-Yo dieting.Eating healthy has always been.... I want to say hard for my family, but what I should say is... non existent. My mom was a wonderful cook when I was younger. I'm talking juicy fat roasts with mashed potatoes and thick salty gravy, warm buttery rolls, cheesy baked funeral potatoes, and iceberg salad with Ranch dressing. Then top if off with either cake and ice cream, homemade pie, cookies or pretzel Jello with whipped cream... you know, the typical Utah meal.
Now, I am not bashing on mom or her home cooked meals because the truth is I cherish those times all together with my family of 13, not to mention spouses or grand kids. But that is part of the problem isn't it? My emotional attachment to food and not to mention a bad habit of over eating AND indulging on the wrong things, so by the time I learned that it all catches up to you, well.. it was a little too late.
Once I was a bit older my mom had to work full time to support our family and all the comforting, delicious meals practically vanished which meant I had to start fending for myself!! Outrageous! I had been spoiled with a chef and now I had no idea how to cook for myself. Dinners turned into cereal or Top Ramen until I was old enough to drive which lead to Wendy's and Taco Bell. Which has pretty much been my life ever since. Except now it is a bit more "refined" in taste, such as Cafe Rio and Zupas.
Who has ever decided to change their life, head straight to the store, buy $200 worth of fruits and veggies just to let it rot in the fridge will you chomp down a burger and fries?? Yeah... I know how you feel. I also know how it feels to look in the mirror and hate yourself for what you see, not buy any clothes because you feel you are too fat to be pretty in anything, but feel even uglier because you have no clothes to wear. I know how you feel when you walk down the street and wish you looked like every other girl that is passing, when you feel like things could be different if only you had a little more money or you weren't so busy. I know how it feels when you lay on your side and see that big ball of fat slouch on the ground and you hide it with your arms an pretend that where your skin meets your rib cage is your real stomach. You are not alone. I know how it feels. I know how it feels to berate and belittle yourself constantly in your mind.
Well.. I am done! That is it! No amount of good food can make me forget how achingly depressing being unhealthy physically, mentally and spiritually feels everyday. And I will not abuse myself any longer.
Please join me on my fresh new start, my journey to find peace, health and happiness after a lifetime of bad habits and giving up time and again. Nat Fights Back!
follow me on instagram for updates! Fresh.Happy.Healthy
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