Well hello!
I hope you all are doing well and didn't miss me too much. Sorry I haven't posted much I went to St. George for my husbands birthday and sometimes I feel like I have nothing much to say... haha. However, I had a conversation with my husband on the phone the other day that got me ranting and thinking so I thought I would share with ya'll. It may seem pretty obvious, the content of the rant, but it doesn't really hold any meaning until it actually happens to you and you realize the power of it.
Before we get into THAT rant I just wanted to rant about my life. For one, I am moving out of my duplex and into my mom's basement (which I swore would never happen again) because my husband has found an IOS program he is taking to full time. The program is 12 weeks and once he is done the administration works to find him a job, which is great.
Second, my ankle. Ugh my ankle. Why oh why did I have to go to Airborne on that fateful night?? I was literally there for 10 minutes tops (including checking in and taking off my shoes) when I injured it. It's so annoying to think such a small thing can change your life so drastically. Yes, your life. I met a couple of, let's call them, weathered people at my office who had a really bad ankle sprain and they say it bothers them to this day. That sucks. My ankle, per my GP, is supposed to be significantly better by Friday which I thought would never happen until last weekend when it felt pretty great, but I was relaxing all weekend. Then I went back to work and when I got home last night I literally couldn't walk on it because of the pain. The irony is I cancelled my appointment at the Orthopedist that was scheduled that day because it had felt so good over the weekend. Now I have to wait another week for an appointment.
Also since it is in writing and I can't take it back, I think you all remember me saying "I am determined to make this lifestyle work and I will not let my ankle get in the way" or something to that effect. Well I am admitting to all the world that I was wrong. My ankle changes a lot. I come home and cry sometimes, aside from the pain, because of the frustration that I cannot walk or stand long enough to go grocery shopping to buy the healthy food I want to eat. Then, even if my husband was to go grocery shopping for me (bless his soul) I wouldn't even be able to stand long enough to cook it (my husband can't cook either, bless his soul). Especially after a long day of work cuz honestly my ankle is numb, tingly, painful and the size of a grapefruit once I am done and I all but crawl to the couch to elevate the rest of the night. So I know eating healthy is 90% of it, but how am I supposed to eat healthy when I cant shop or cook? Then there is working out. I found out that the muscles connecting to my ankle run up into my hips and even my left arm (yes, weird) and when I try to workout it runs all the way down into my ankle, irritating it. So seriously any suggestions would be appreciated.
I am just bummed because I was so ready to start this new lifestyle and my ankle ruined everything (drama queen much?), I mean seriously life is so hard and why is the world against me???? lol
It is just funny the day I decided to change and I bought an awesome program I injured my ankle, same day. I don't know what to do so please help me out. I know there are worse of people who make it work, trust me, but for some reason I can't figure it out. Sorry for the long rant. Rant #2 The Powerful, soon to come.
I don't have any medical advice to help you along, but I do have some cheerleader moves that I will do for you any time you need some extra cheering when all of it just feels like shit. You are amazing and strong and you can get through these moments. Love your amazing face and ankle!
ReplyDeleteHaha I will hold you to those amazing cheerleading moves melissa!
ReplyDeleteSeriously. ANY TIME!