Friday, May 25, 2018

I'm Baaaaaack!

Can I even tell you how much I hate writing? That's the reason I stopped doing this blog in the first place. I actually love writing but I also hate it. So much. I know that makes no sense but maybe someone else who loved English but hated homework would understand....

Anyway, I just saw my blog link at the bottom of my Instagram page and thought, "Oh yeah! That totally happened!" Haha. This blog was kind of a random phase in my life and I guess it's about to be another one. The thing is, I don't know if I mentioned before, but I hate writing. So my posts are bound to be far and between. I'm a Gemini like that. Also my son tries to type every time I open my computer so there's that. There is also the fact that nobody is reading this b
ut I type anyway cuz it's kinda lethargic.

TO THE POINT ALREADY! I have been eating Whole 30 about 90% since January and I have lost 34lbs! I also workout every weekday with Daily Burn (which I enjoy cuz it's only 30 minutes and I normally don't call working out one of my hobbies), not weekends cuz I love life too much. I have had a whole list of negative side effects from treating my body like crap disappear since I started treating it right! This is the first time in my LIFE that I am truly eating right and loving it. I truly don't know what flip switched or why it finally clicked but it did and I know this is my new way of life. I really recommend Whole 30 to get started on any healthy path. It gave me the knowledge, tools and motivation to change my lifestyle for the better and for good! It didn't seem so restrictive as others which is funny cuz it is super restrictive! Haha! That's the point! You eliminate everything that could cause allergies or adverse reactions in your body for 30 days then slowly add it back in, if you get a reaction then you know to stay away from it. I think because I finally listened to my body and what it needs and what it doesn't want I finally found balance because I love the way I feel and I hate how sick I get when I eat something my body rejects. Not fun and not worth it. I do have free meals and I enjoy myself when I want to because it's my choice and my life, I just don't overdo it or lose control and I always get right back on track the next meal or day. That is balance for me and I do feel happy this way. Anyway,  This  blog is now a place where I can post my recipes, random thoughts, good times and bad while on my journey to health and happiness. Its a process!

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